The August Poem

Hello everyone and welcome back to #alexjostories! I want to confess something, guys! The world of poetry is not one that I am really comfortable with but I am doing my best and I hope you guys love it. So, today, as I don’t have an aspiring poet for this article I wanted to present you one poem that I think will describe this month in the best way possible and a poem that I really loved. I need to say that I don’t read as much poetry as I should I guess, but this is my favorite poem right now.

So, before we dive into the poem I chose for this month, I want to tell you something about the author. His, or her name is Iv cel Naiv. This is a Romanian name obviously and his poems are originally published in Romanian. So, I am going to publish them both in English and Romanian. These poems are published anonymously. You can check his work RIGHT HERE – IV CEL NAIV POEM BLOG. It is truly a nice blog and his poems are beautiful. If I am saying this, believe me, it’s true.

RO: Fiti buni cu Visatorii    

oameni buni, visătorii,
cum încearca ei să îmblânzească norii
zi de zi cu privirea
în timp ce mângâie, distrat, nemărginirea

simpatici oameni acești visători

deși gândul lor e aiurea, printre cocori
te privesc adânc, până-n retină

făcându-te să orbești de la atâta lumină

ce oameni, visătorii ăștia

n-ai cum să-i înțelegi nici de ai vrea
vorbesc intr-o limba ciudată –
dacă nu ești visător, n-ai s-o înțelegi niciodată

visătorii, drăguții de eivisătorii, acești tipi speciali
deghizați în oameni cu totul și cu totul banali
într-o zi vor preface în electricitate
fiorul de emoție care îți trece acum pe spate

vor schimba din temelii lumea cu ale lor idei
așa că nu îi certa că ziua, la două
în loc să muncească, visează la o lume nouă

EN: Be Good with the Dreamers

Good people, the dreamers,

how they try to tame the clouds,day by day

with their sightwhile they caress, distracted, the void.

Nice people these dreamers
even if their thought is lost, between the cranes
they watch you deeply, till the retina
making you blind because of all that light.

What people, these dreamers,
You can’t understand them even if  you’d wish
They talk in a strange language –
if you are not a dreamer, you won’t ever understand it

Dreamers, these special guys
Dressed in average people
One day they will transform in electricity
The thrill and emotion that it’s now touching your back

Dreamers, dear sweet people
Will change the world with their ideas from the ground
So don’t chide them, at two pm in the afternoon that
instead of working, they dream of a new world

This is it, guys! My favorite poem of August. I chose this poem because I think it represents me. I am a dreamer and I hope that one day I will change somebody’s life with my art and I will help people around me. Thank you Iv cel Naiv for writing this beautiful poem. To be honest, it was hard for me to chose only one because lots of his poems are really really nice. For all the dreamers out there, YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOUR MIND DREAMS OF. Work hard for it, believe in yourself even if the world tells you that you can’t do it. You will make it, I promise. I hope you guys enjoyed this article as much as I did. Sorry if the translation isn’t the best. I tried to translate it as best as I could in order for everyone to understand this amazing poem. Have awesome weekend guys.

I’ll #seeyousoon!

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