#Manifestostoread – I am for…

Hello everyone and welcome back to #alexjostories! Today I am going to show you some Manifestos that I have been reading for the past two weeks and I will show you my take on a more creative one. For the past two week all that I could think about was what do I want to do as a writer? and what do I think art is? I haven’t even finished my assignment yet and I feel like I have talked about it more here. I told you in the previous article, we are figuring this out together, guys! So, let run it!

If you really feel like you want to learn more about movements or want to learn more about certain history periods, these manifestos are the ones to read. I will show you some manifestos that I read and I enjoyed, some that I found OK and some that I have heard about. I will give you my honest opinion and you might enjoy them. For me none of them made the cut of being the most amazing one.

Some interesting Manifestos I have read in the past two weeks are:

  1. The Dada Manifesto by Tristan Tzara (Psst! He was Romanian! I was so proud when I saw this.) – To be honest with all of you, I have read this out of curiosity. I never understood the Dada movement when I saw it in paintings. In this way, I wanted to hear more about it. I did not fall in love with the Dada movement after this manifesto, but it was interesting to see this point of view.
  2. The Feminist Manifesto by Mina Loy – Well, I don’t know how to feel about this manifesto. It is a really powerful one but I don’t agree with what she says in there entairly. I do not want to make certain affirmations so you should better read this and let me know how you feel about it. It is a really short piece.
  3. The __________ Manifesto by Michael Betancourt – This one was a pretty interesting manifesto to read as it has blank spaces. You can literary fill in the blank parts with your favourite words and in lots of cases it does make sense. When I read this manifesto, I also read an article about glitches and the fact that Michael Betancourt was the first one to invent the notion of glitch. He made some awesome short videos with this. I will leave a link to that article and also the the manifesto RIGHT HERE!
  4. Alter-modern Manifesto by Nicolas Bourriaud – I read this Manifesto because I felt like I have never heard about Alter-modern as a concept so I wanted to read more. I didn’t engage at all with what he was saying and what his purpose was but I think it definitely needs a try as you might be really interested about this. Try this out, guys! You might like it.
  5. ‘I am for an art’ Manifesto by Claes Oldenburg – This Manifesto was the one that inspired the short piece in this article. It is a really nice written piece, in a very creative way about art and the purpose of the art to the author himself. Our teacher made us write this short piece in class after reading the manifesto. I felt super inspired by what Mr Claes wrote in there and I felt like I should share this with you guys! Do read this because it is a really nice text.

I am for 

I am for an art that makes you shiver and cry.

I am for the art that doesn’t ask questions about your mundane life and your disruptive thoughts. The art that expends your chest while you try to catch your breath. The one that makes you stop from your walk home on the same road you take each day of your life.

I am for the art that I don’t understand entirely and it makes me angry. Which you don’t entirely consider art but you still look at it, mesmerised by its weirdness.

I am for an art that complete you, becomes your friend and at the end helps you overcome your deepest fears. The moment it transforms your pool of wonders, the never-ending void which surrounds you, into your home.

This is it, everyone! My amazing take on Manifestos, what should we write and what are the go to manifestos that you might like to read! It’s another view I wanted to present to you. You can read many more things than just novels and stories. I hope you guys enjoyed this article. I hope it helped you if you had any difficulties with any assignment of this sort as I did. #seeyousoon!

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